Postural Imbalances
The spine is one link in a bio-mechanical kinetic chain, where movement at one joint influences movement at other joints in the chain. Postural imbalances, such as, over pronation in the feet (flat feet), differences in leg lengths, and spinal/pelvic misalignment can lead not only to aches and pains throughout the body, but can be the trigger that starts the degenerative process.
Chiropractic care is vital in maintaining proper bio-mechanics of the body, allowing the body to heal from the repetitive stress endured throughout the day, while limiting the amount of un-due stress on the body. Whether you need assistance from customized orthotics and/or you need adjustments and exercises to balance the body out, it is all offered at St. Louis Healthcare Solutions.
Degenerative Changes (OA,DJD,DDD)
Also known as Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) is a non-inflammatory degeneration of joint cartilage with secondary effects on adjacent bones. The most common signs and symptoms are localized joint pain with stiffness in the morning, pain with exercise, joints cracking, joint deformity, and joint swelling.
Osteoarthritis/DJD is a mechanical irritation of the joint, usually due to unbalanced motion. The joint responds to the unbalanced and stressed motion with formation of bone spurs on the edges of the bone and eventually loss of joint spacing, which can lead to fusion of the joint.
Maintaining proper motion and bio-mechanics of an affected joint can reduce this mechanical damage...making Chiropractic care a very important roll in managing arthritis. Chiropractic adjustments and joint mobilization can slow down or 'halt' the progression of DJD by increasing mobility in the joints and decreasing unnecessary stress to the joint. A Chiropractor can take x-rays to diagnose DJD and give exercises along with adjustments to help improve pain and return flexibility to the body.
Osteoarthritis is different than Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that attacks the synovium of the joint.
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Repetitive Stress Injuries
Repetitive stress injuries can happen from using repetitive motions or postures throughout the day/night, and can affect your quality of life by making it very difficult to put joints and muscles through their natural range of motion without pain. Repetitive stress causes micro-injuries in the soft tissues, which in turn leads to scar tissue and adhesions. These adhesions interfere with the normal elasticity and slide of the tissue, which can lead to improper mechanics and pain. As more people depend on cars, computers and other technologies to get through their day’s activities, repetitive stress syndrome is becoming increasingly more common.
Many people can benefit from Chiropractic adjustments to reduce the pain from the injury, and also to restore the body to a better state of health so that joints and tissues are protected against future damage. Adjustments and muscle work can help bring a joint complex to a more balanced state, allowing for less stress and pain to build up....decreasing the chances for permanent joint damage and degeneration.
Below you'll find some information about our body and why Chiropractic care is so important to the over-all health and function of it.
At St. Louis Healthcare Solutions it's not just about treating the symptoms, but finding out the cause.
St. Louis Healthcare Solutions
Call Us: 314-540-1318
Immune System
The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms every day. In most cases, the immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. But sometimes problems with the immune system can lead to illness and infection. Leukocytes (white blood cells) are produced or stored in many locations throughout the body, including the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. There are also clumps of lymphoid tissue throughout the body, primarily in the form of lymph nodes, that house the leukocytes.
The immune system protects us from things like the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system.
Chiropractic care corrects spinal abnormalities/subluxations that can result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body, including the immune system, Chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function. During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other', this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body. If the Nervous System is not functioning properly, then the Immune System cannot function at 100%, thus the body becomes fertile ground for bacteria, viruses and illness.
Even though you may not feel sick, your body may be acquiring misalignment's of the spine (subluxations) that are interfering with your nervous system and thus your immune system. Regular Chiropractic check-ups can help you maintain a healthy immune system and fight off illness. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore the balance of your nervous system and restore the flow of energy and information throughout the body, thus validating one of the great benefits of Chiropractic care!
The Nervous System and the Spine
The nervous system is responsible for sending, receiving, and processing nerve impulses throughout the body. All the organs, muscles and soft tissues inside our body rely upon these nerve impulses to function. The nervous system can be thought of as the master control unit inside our body. Sensory organs/nerves provide the nervous system with information about the environment by means of such senses as sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, pressure, and pain. Nerves are connected throughout the entire body to the spinal cord and brain. They carry information throughout the body in the form of electrochemical signals called impulses. These impulses travel from the brain and spinal cord to the nerves located throughout the body.
It is very important to have the nervous system functioning at optimal performance , allowing all functions of the body to work properly and efficiently. This is where Chiropractic plays an important role. The spinal nerves come out of the spinal column and go throughout the body to the organs, muscles and soft tissues. If there is a spinal joint that is not moving correctly or is subluxated, it can decrease the function of the associated spinal nerve...and can cause more issues than just pain. Depending on the area of subluxation/interference, there can be symptoms like pain, decreased or increased feeling, tingling and numbness, and more importantly decreased or increased function of an organ.
There are three sub-divisions of the nervous system, all cooperating and functioning together. They are the central, the peripheral, and the autonomic nervous systems.
The Central Nervous System which has the responsibility for issuing nerve impulses and analyzing sensory data, and includes the brain and spinal cord, and is protected by the skull and spine.
The Peripheral Nervous System which is responsible for carrying these nerve impulses to and from the body and its many structures outside the spinal column to the central nervous system.
The Autonomic Nervous System which is composed of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. It is responsible for regulating and coordinating the functions of vital organs (the "viscera") in the body, including the heart, lungs, stomach and intestines. In most situations, we are unaware of the workings of the ANS because it functions in an involuntary, reflexive manner. For example, we do not notice when blood vessels change size or when our heart beats faster. The ANS is responsible for the 'fight or flight' responses.